living in campus
Bali is renowned for its allure in different forms of tourism, including natural landscape, culture, and culinary. PIB College campus’ strategic location—just 15 minutes from Canggu and close to other Bali tourist spots—makes everything easily accessible
The purpose of every facility on PIB College is to make it easier for the students’ campus life. To give students a learning environment that is as similar to the tourist sector as possible, PIB College was specifically designed with a resort theme in mind.
Prioritizing comfort, security, and privacy while studying or taking a break, dormitories with spacious rooms are available on campus. The dorm area offers a student lounge, pantry, refrigerator, RedBox, dining area, spacious parking lot, and 24-hour security. Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and study area are features included in every dorm room.
PIB College provides a wide selection of foods and beverages as part of the facilities to pamper our students. Café Lab offers a delightful variety of fusion and café-style cuisines and beverages which combine traditional ingredients with international influences. Indonesian, Chinese and
Thai foods are also available at affordable prices in the cafeteria known as Student Union. Next, a selection of sweet treats like cake, bread, and cookies are provided by Mrs. Baker Café.
There are also lush green open areas near PIB College with picturesque scenery and clean air. Students can enjoy a variety of outdoor sport activities like jogging, cycling, fishing, and more because the campus is well located on Nyanyi Beach.

Satu-satunya Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta terakreditasi di Bali dengan koleksi literatur lengkap dengan suasana tenang & nyaman.

Asrama mahasiswa di dalam area kampus. Mengutamakan kenyamanan melalui sistem kebersihan & keamanan yang terjaga.

Cafe untuk berbagai kegiatan praktikum mahasiswa seperti table set up, food service, dan culinary showcase.

Kafetaria yang menyediakan berbagai pilihan menu makanan sehat dengan harga terjangkau.

Ruang aula serbaguna sebagai venue acara atau kegiatan olahraga

Area hijau untuk melepas lelah dengan keindahan kolam dan alam sekitar.

Lapangan hijau terbuka sebagai ruang serbaguna untuk berbagai aktivitas di luar ruangan.

Outdoor classroom on the open green space for a close-to-nature learning environment.