Embark on a transformative journey into sustainable business practices with our two-week program, “Sustainable Business in Bali.” Designed to immerse participants in the vibrant culture and unique business landscape of Bali, this program offers a comprehensive exploration of entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability. Through interactive workshops, site visits, and hands-on projects, participants will gain essential skills and knowledge in areas such as Balinese culture and sustainability, entrepreneurship, ecotourism, digital business, finance, and community engagement. Highlights include industry site visits, cultural excursions, and outdoor activities, providing participants with practical insights and a deeper understanding of sustainable business practices. Join us for an unforgettable experience where theory meets practice in one of the world’s most enchanting destinations.
Week 1
Week 2
Total course of 110 hours with 10 credits will be given by PIB College
Jalan Pantai Nyanyi, Beraban, Kec. Kediri, Kab Tabanan, Bali. 82121
(+62) 361 880099
Student Admission
Admission Jabodetabek